



来源: 云铝股份时间: 2020-11-05


Wrought Aluminium Alloy Round Ingots

云铝股份拥有多条变形铝及铝合金圆铸锭生产线:可生产从φ90mm到φ533mm不同的17个规格直径铝合金圆铸锭,主要用于建筑型材、工业型材、3C产品、航空航天及轨道交通用铝等领域。其中挪威 HYDRO 公司 Hycast 生产线也可用于生产高强、高韧、承载力高的锻造铝轮毂。

Yunnan Aluminium Co., Ltd equipped with many wrought aluminium alloy columniform ingots production lines which can produce 17 different diameters columniform ingots ranged from φ90mm to φ533mm, mainly used for different industrial field such as: aluminium extruded profiles for construction, aluminium extruded profiles for industry, 3C products, aluminium products in aerospace and rail traffic . Among the production lines, Hycast production line of Norsk Hydro A.S. also can produce wrought aluminium wheel hubs with high-strength, high-tenacity and high-carrying capacity.

合金牌号/ Alloy Grade Mark: 1×××-8××× 系全系列/series

产品直径/ Diameter :φ120mm,φ140mm,φ178mm,φ254mm,φ360mm,φ520mm,φ533mm

产品长度 :按客户需求订制/ Customized

联系方式/ Contact information :

电 话/ Tel :+86-0871-67455878

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